drush field-createfor drush 8x
Create fields and instances. Returns urls for field editing.
drush field-create
field-create accepts 2 argument/s:
bundle : Content type (for nodes). Name of bundle to attach fields to. Required.
field_spec : Comma delimited triple in the form: field_name,field_type,widget_name. If widget_name is omitted, the default widget will be used. Separate multiple fields by space. If omitted, a wizard will prompt you.
field-create accepts 1 option/s:
--entity_type : Type of entity (e.g. node, user, comment). Defaults to node.
Define new article fields via interactive prompts.
drush field-create article
Define new article fields and then open field edit form for refinement.
open `drush field-create article`
Create two new fields.
drush field-create article city,text,text_textfield subtitle,text,text_textfield
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