drush archive-restorefor drush 8x

Expand a site archive into a Drupal web site.

drush archive-restore

  • Aliases

    archive-restore has 1 alias/es:

    drush arr

  • Arguments

    archive-restore accepts 2 argument/s:

    file : The site archive file that should be expanded.

    site name : Optional. Which site within the archive you want to restore. Defaults to all.

  • Options

    archive-restore accepts 7 option/s:

    --destination : Specify where the Drupal site should be expanded, including the docroot. Defaults to the current working directory.

    --db-prefix : An optional table prefix to use during restore.


    --db-url : db-url

    --db-su : Account to use when creating the new database. Optional.

    --db-su-pw : Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.

    --overwrite : Allow drush to overwrite any files in the destination. Default is --no-overwrite.

    --tar-options : Options passed thru to the tar command.

  • Examples

    Restore the files and databases for all sites in the archive.

    drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz

    Restore the files and database for example.com site.

    drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz example.com

    Restore archive to a custom location.

    drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz --destination=/var/www/example.com/docroot

    Restore archive to a new database (and customize settings.php to point there.).

    drush archive-restore ./example.tar.gz --db-url=mysql://root:[email protected]/dbname

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