drush config-exportfor drush 8x
Export configuration to a directory.
drush config-export
config-export has 1 alias/es:
drush cex
config-export accepts 1 argument/s:
label : A config directory label (i.e. a key in $config_directories array in settings.php). Defaults to 'sync'
config-export accepts 7 option/s:
--add : Run `git add -p` after exporting. This lets you choose which config changes to sync for commit.
--commit : Run `git add -A` and `git commit` after exporting. This commits everything that was exported without prompting.
--message : Commit comment for the exported configuration. Optional; may only be used with --commit or --push.
--push : Run `git push` after committing. Implies --commit.
--remote : remote
--branch : branch
--destination : An arbitrary directory that should receive the exported files. An alternative to label argument.
Export configuration; Save files in a backup directory named config-export.
drush config-export --destination
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