drush ctools-exportfor drush 8x

Export multiple CTools exportable objects directly to code.

drush ctools-export

ctools-export is a Drush command from the ctools project.

  • Aliases

    ctools-export has 1 alias/es:

    drush ctex

  • Arguments

    ctools-export accepts 1 argument/s:

    module : Name of your module.

  • Options

    ctools-export accepts 4 option/s:

    --subdir : The name of the sub directory to create the module in. Defaults to ctools_export which will be placed into sites/all/modules.

    --remove : Remove existing files before writing, except the .module file.

    --filter : Filter the list of exportables by status. Available options are enabled, disabled, overridden, database, code and all. Defaults to enabled.

    --tables : Comma separated list of exportable table names to filter by.

  • Examples

    Export CTools exportables to a module called "export_module".

    drush ctex export_module

    Same as above, but into the sites/all/modules/exports directory.

    drush ctex export_module --subdir=exports

    Same as above, but automatically removing all files, except for the .module file.

    drush ctex export_module --subdir=exports --remove

    Filter export selection to the views_view table only.

    drush ctex --filter="views_view"

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