drush feeds-clearfor drush 8x

Delete all items from a feed.

drush feeds-clear

feeds-clear is a Drush command from the feeds project.

  • Arguments

    feeds-clear accepts 1 argument/s:

    importer : The name of the Feeds importer that will be cleared. Mandatory.

  • Options

    feeds-clear accepts 1 option/s:

    --nid : The ID of the Feed node that will be cleared. Required if the importer is attached to a content type.

  • Examples

    Deletes all items imported with the importer 'my_importer'. The importer must use the standalone import form.

    drush feeds-clear my_importer

    Deletes all items imported with the importer 'my_importer' for the feed node with ID 2. The importer must be attached to a content type.

    drush feeds-clear my_importer --nid=2

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