drush registry-rebuildfor drush 8x

Rebuild the registry table (for classes) and the system table (for module locations) in a Drupal install.

drush registry-rebuild

  • Aliases

    registry-rebuild has 1 alias/es:

    drush rr

  • Options

    registry-rebuild accepts 2 option/s:

    --no-cache-clear : Rebuild the registry only, do not clear caches, unless --fire-bazooka is also used.

    --fire-bazooka : Truncate registry and registry_file tables and build them from scratch. Forces all caches clear.

  • Examples

    drush rr --no-cache-clear

    Rebuild the registry only, do not clear caches, unless --fire-bazooka is also used.

    drush rr --fire-bazooka

    Truncate registry and registry_file tables and build them from scratch. Forces all caches clear.

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