drush user-loginfor drush 7x

Display a one time login link for the given user account (defaults to uid 1).

drush user-login

  • Aliases

    user-login has 1 alias/es:

    drush uli

  • Arguments

    user-login accepts 2 argument/s:

    user : An optional uid, user name, or email address for the user to log in as. Default is to log in as uid 1. The uid/name/mail options take priority if specified.

    path : Optional path to redirect to after logging in.

  • Options

    user-login accepts 5 option/s:

    --browser : Optional value denotes which browser to use (defaults to operating system default). Set to 0 to suppress opening a browser.

    --uid : A uid to log in as.

    --redirect-port : A custom port for redirecting to (e.g. when running within a Vagrant environment)

    --name : A user name to log in as.

    --mail : A user mail address to log in as.

  • Examples

    Displays and opens default web browser (if configured or detected) for a one-time login link for the user with the username ryan and redirect to the path node/add/blog.

    drush user-login ryan node/add/blog

    Open firefox web browser, login as the user with the e-mail address [email protected] and redirect to the path admin/settings/performance.

    drush user-login --browser=firefox [email protected] admin/settings/performance

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