drush user-createfor drush 7x

Create a user account with the specified name.

drush user-create

  • Aliases

    user-create has 1 alias/es:

    drush ucrt

  • Arguments

    user-create accepts 1 argument/s:

    name : The name of the account to add

  • Options

    user-create accepts 18 option/s:

    --password : The password for the new account

    --mail : The email address for the new account


    --format : format


    --fields : fields


    --list-separator : list-separator


    --line-separator : line-separator


    --field-labels : field-labels


    --format=json : format=json


    --format=config : format=config


    --format=csv : format=csv


    --format=labeled-export : format=labeled-export


    --format=list : format=list


    --format=php : format=php


    --format=print-r : format=print-r


    --format=table : format=table


    --format=var_export : format=var_export


    --format=variables : format=variables


    --format=yaml : format=yaml

  • Examples

    Create a new user account with the name newuser, the email address [email protected], and the password letmein

    drush user-create newuser --mail="[email protected]" --password="letmein"

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