drush coder-formatfor drush 7x
Re-format and rewrite code according Drupal coding standards.
drush coder-format
coder-format is a Drush command from the coder project.
coder-format accepts 1 argument/s:
path : The path of a file to reformat. Or the name of a directory to (recursively) reformat all contained files within.
coder-format accepts 1 option/s:
--undo : Restores already processed files from backups generated by Coder format. Automatically searches for the latest backup file ([filename].coder.orig) and each file is replaced with its original version.
Re-format coder.module according to Drupal coding standards.
drush coder-format sites/all/modules/coder/coder.module
Restore coder.module from coder.module.coder.orig backup file (if existent).
drush coder-format --undo sites/all/modules/coder/coder.module
Recursively re-format Coder module files according to Drupal coding standards.
drush coder-format sites/all/modules/coder
Recursively restore Coder module files from *.coder.orig backup files (if existent).
drush coder-format --undo sites/all/modules/coder
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