drush core-configfor drush 7x

Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.

drush core-config

  • Aliases

    core-config has 2 alias/es:

    drush conf

    drush config

  • Arguments

    core-config accepts 1 argument/s:

    filter : A substring for filtering the list of files. Omit this argument to choose from loaded files.

  • Options

    core-config accepts 1 option/s:

    --bg : Run editor in the background. Does not work with editors such as `vi` that run in the terminal.

  • Examples

    Pick from a list of config/alias/settings files. Open selected in editor.

    drush core-config

    Return to shell prompt as soon as the editor window opens.

    drush --bg core-config

    Edit the global configuration file.

    drush core-config etc

    Edit a particular alias file.

    drush core-config demo.alia

    Edit settings.php for the current Drupal site.

    drush core-config sett

    Edit the second file in the choice list.

    drush core-config --choice=2

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