drush config-editfor drush 7x
Open a config file in a text editor. Edits are imported into active configration after closing editor.
drush config-edit
config-edit has 1 alias/es:
drush cedit
config-edit accepts 1 argument/s:
config-name : The config object name, for example "system.site".
config-edit accepts 2 option/s:
--bg : Run editor in the background. Does not work with editors such as `vi` that run in the terminal. Supresses config-import at the end.
--file : Import from a file instead of interactively editing a given config.
Edit the image style configurations.
drush config-edit image.style.large
Choose a config file to edit.
drush config-edit
Edit the second file in the choice list.
drush config-edit --choice=2
Return to shell prompt as soon as the editor window opens.
drush --bg config-edit image.style.large
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