drush sql-createfor drush 6x

Create a database.

drush sql-create

  • Options

    sql-create accepts 5 option/s:

    --db-su : Account to use when creating a new database. Optional.

    --db-su-pw : Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.


    --database : database


    --target : target


    --db-url : db-url

  • Examples

    Create the database for the current site.

    drush sql-create

    Create the database as specified for @site.test.

    drush @site.test sql-create

    Create the database as specified in the db-url option.

    drush sql-create --db-su=root --db-su-pw=rootpassword --db-url="mysql://drupal_db_user:[email protected]/drupal_db"

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