drush core-quick-drupalfor drush 6x
Download, install, serve and login to Drupal with minimal configuration and dependencies.
drush core-quick-drupal
core-quick-drupal has 1 alias/es:
drush qd
core-quick-drupal accepts 2 argument/s:
site : Short name for the site to be created - used as a directory name and as sqlite file name. Optional - if omitted timestamped "quick-drupal" directory will be used instead.
projects : A list of projects to download into the new site. If projects contain extensions (modules or themes) with the same name they will be enabled by default. See --enable option to control this behaviour further.
core-quick-drupal accepts 38 option/s:
--core : Drupal core to download. Defaults to "drupal" (latest stable version).
--use-existing : Use an existing Drupal root, specified with --root. Overrides --core.
--profile : The install profile to use. Defaults to standard.
--enable : Specific extensions (modules or themes) to enable. By default, extensions with the same name as requested projects will be enabled automatically.
--server : Runserver option: Which http server to use - either: "cgi" for a CGI based httpserver (default, requires php 5.3 and php-cgi binary) or "builtin" for php 5.4 built in http server.
--no-server : Avoid starting runserver (and browser) for the created Drupal site.
--browser : Runserver option: If opening a web browser, which browser to user (defaults to operating system default).
--use-name : use-name
--makefile : makefile
--root : root
--notes : Download option: Show release notes after each project is downloaded.
--variant : Download option: Only useful for install profiles. Possible values: 'full', 'projects', 'profile-only'.
--select : Download option: Select the version to download interactively from a list of available releases.
--skip : Download option: Skip automatic downloading of libraries (c.f. devel).
--pipe : Download option: Returns a list of the names of the extensions (modules and themes) contained in the downloaded projects.
--db-url : Site install option: A Drupal 6 style database URL. Only required for initial install - not re-install.
--db-prefix : Site install option: An optional table prefix to use for initial install. Can be a key-value array of tables/prefixes in a drushrc file (not the command line).
--db-su : Site install option: Account to use when creating a new database. Must have Grant permission (mysql only). Optional.
--db-su-pw : Site install option: Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.
--account-name : Site install option: uid1 name. Defaults to admin
--account-pass : Site install option: uid1 pass. Defaults to a randomly generated password. If desired, set a fixed password in drushrc.php.
--account-mail : Site install option: uid1 email. Defaults to [email protected]
--locale : Site install option: A short language code. Sets the default site language. Language files must already be present. You may use download command to get them.
--clean-url : Site install option: Defaults to 1
--site-name : Site install option: Defaults to Site-Install
--site-mail : Site install option: From: for system mailings. Defaults to [email protected]
--php-cgi : Runserver option: Name of the php-cgi binary. If it is not on your current $PATH you should include the full path. You can include command line parameters to pass into php-cgi.
--variables : Runserver option: Key-value array of variables to override in the $conf array for the running site. By default disables drupal_http_request_fails to avoid errors on Windows (which supports only one connection at a time). Comma delimited list of name=value pairs (or array in drushrc).
--default-server : Runserver option: A default addr:port/path to use for any values not specified as an argument.
--dns : Runserver option: Resolve hostnames/IPs using DNS/rDNS (if possible) to determine binding IPs and/or human friendly hostnames for URLs and browser.
--version-control=backup : version-control=backup
--version-control=bzr : version-control=bzr
--version-control=svn : version-control=svn
--cache : Cache release XML and tarballs or git clones. Git clones use git's --reference option.
--package-handler=wget : package-handler=wget
--package-handler=git_drupalorg : package-handler=git_drupalorg
--source : The base URL which provides project release history in XML. Defaults to https://updates.drupal.org/release-history.
--dev : Work with development releases solely.
Download and install stable release of Drupal into a timestamped directory, start server, and open the site logged in as admin.
drush qd
Fire up dev release of Drupal site with minimal install profile.
drush qd --profile=minimal --dev --cache --core=drupal-8.x --yes
Fire up stable release (using the cache) of Drupal site called "testsite", download and enable devel module, start a server on port 8081 and open /admin in firefox.
drush qd testsite devel --server=:8081/admin --browser=firefox --cache --yes
Download and install the "Commerce Kickstart" distribution/install profile, display watchdog messages on the server console.
drush qd commercesite --core=commerce_kickstart --profile=commerce_kickstart --cache --yes --watchdog
Create and install a site from a makefile.
drush qd --makefile=mysite.make
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