drush views-listfor drush 8x

Get a list of all views in the system.

drush views-list

views-list is a Drush command from the views project.

  • Aliases

    views-list has 1 alias/es:

    drush vl

  • Options

    views-list accepts 4 option/s:

    --name : String contained in view's name by which filter the results.

    --tags : A comma-separated list of views tags by which to filter the results.

    --status : Status of the views by which to filter the results. Choices: enabled, disabled.

    --type : Type of the views by which to filter the results. Choices: normal, default or overridden.

  • Examples

    Show a list of all available views.

    drush vl

    Show a list of views which names contain "blog".

    drush vl --name=blog

    Show a list of views tagged with "tag1" or "tag2".

    drush vl --tags=tag1,tag2

    Show a list of enabled views.

    drush vl --status=enabled

    Show a list of overridden views.

    drush vl --type=overridden

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