drush mb-buildfor drush 8x

Generate the code for a new Drupal module, including file headers and hook implementations.

drush mb-build

mb-build is a Drush command from the module_builder project.

  • Aliases

    mb-build has 1 alias/es:

    drush mb

  • Arguments

    mb-build accepts 11 argument/s:

    module name : The machine name of the module. Use '.' to specify the current folder name.

    hooks : Short names of hooks, separated by spaces.

    presets: : Names of preset groups of hooks, e.g., 'block'.
    Use the 'presets:' marker to separate this from prior commands, eg 'mymodule hook_a hook_b presets: block'.

    plugins: : Names of plugin types, using the suffix of the plugin manager service ID, e.g., 'block'.
    Use the 'plugins:' marker to separate this from prior commands, eg 'mymodule hook_a hook_b plugins: block'.

    routes: : Menu paths, separated by spaces.
    Use the 'routes:' marker to separate this from prior commands, eg 'mymodule hook_a hook_b routes: module/path module/otherpath'.

    perms: : Permission names, separated by spaces.
    Use the 'perms:' marker to separate this from prior commands, eg 'mymodule hook_a hook_b perms: 'administer my module''. Quote strings that contain spaces.

    services: : IDs of services, separated by spaces.

    settings_form! : Add this argument to add a settings form to the module.

    api! : Add this argument to add an api.php file to the module.

    readme! : Add this argument to add a README file to the module.

    tests! : Add this argument to add a Simpletest test case file to the module.

  • Options

    mb-build accepts 12 option/s:

    --noi : Disables interactive mode.

    --data : Location to read hook data. May be absolute, or relative to Drupal files dir. Defaults to 'files/hooks'.

    --build : Which module components to generate:
      - 'info' makes the info file.
      - 'readme' makes README file.
      - 'api' makes an api.php file to document hooks. It will parse existing module files for calls to module_invoke_all() and use those as starter file content.
      - 'tests' makes the tests folder and test case file.
      - 'module', 'install' make the foo.module or foo.install file respectively.
      - 'FILE': If custom modules define other files to output, you can request those too, omitting the module root name part and any .inc extension, eg 'views' for 'foo.views.inc.
      - 'code' generates code files as needed: the module and install files, and any files requested by hooks.
      - 'all' generates everything, including any code files needed by the requested hooks.
    Default is 'all' if writing new files, 'code' if appending to file or outputting only to terminal.

    --write : Write files to sites/all/modules. Will prompt to overwrite existing files; use yes to force. Use quiet to suppress output to the terminal.

    --go : Write all module files and enable the new module. Take two commands into the shower? Not me.

    --add : Append hooks to module file. Implies 'write build=code'. Warning: will not check hooks already exist.

    --name : Readable name of the module.

    --desc : Description (for the admin module list).

    --helptext : Module help text (for the system help).

    --dep : Dependencies, separated by spaces, eg "forum views".

    --package : Module package.

    --parent : Name of a module folder to place this new module into; use if this module is to be added to an existing package. Use '.' for the current working directory.

  • Examples

    Generate module code with hook_menu, hook_cron, hook_nodeapi.

    drush mb my_module menu cron nodeapi

    Generate module info with readable name and dependencies.

    drush mb my_module --build=info --name="My module" --dep="forum views"

    Generate both module files, write files and also output to terminal.

    drush mb my_module menu cron --write --name="My module" --dep="forum views"

    Generate module code, write files and also output to terminal.

    drush mb my_module menu cron --write 

    Generate both module files, write files and output nothing to terminal.

    drush mb my_module menu cron --write --quiet --name="My module" --dep="forum views"

    Generate code for hook_cron and add it to the existing my_module.module file.

    drush mb my_module menu cron --add

    Generate both module files, write files to a folder my_module inside the cck folder.

    drush mb my_module menu cron --write --parent=cck

    Generate both module files, write files to a folder my_module in the current working directory.

    drush mb my_module menu cron --write --parent=.

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