drush migrate-rollbackfor drush 8x

Roll back the destination objects from a given migration

drush migrate-rollback

migrate-rollback is a Drush command from the migrate project.

  • Aliases

    migrate-rollback has 1 alias/es:

    drush mr

  • Arguments

    migrate-rollback accepts 1 argument/s:

    migration : Name of migration(s) to roll back. Delimit multiple using commas.

  • Options

    migrate-rollback accepts 9 option/s:

    --limit : Limit on the length of each migration process, expressed in seconds or number of items

    --feedback : Frequency of progress messages, in seconds or items processed

    --idlist : A comma delimited list of ids to import or rollback. If unspecified, migrate imports all pending items or rolls back all items for the content set.

    --all : Process all migrations that come after the specified migration. If no value is supplied, all migrations are processed.

    --instrument : Capture performance information (timer, memory, or all)

    --force : Force an operation to run, even if all dependencies are not satisfied

    --group : Name of the migration group to run

    --notify : Send email notification upon completion of operation

    --wildcard : Process migrations that match a certain pattern. For example, Content*.

  • Examples

    Roll back the article migration

    migrate-rollback Article

    Roll back two articles. The ids refer to the value of the primary key in base table

    migrate-rollback Article --idlist=4,9

    Roll back up to 50 items from the migration named User

    migrate-rollback User --limit="50 items"

    Display a progress message every 60 seconds or less

    migrate-rollback User --feedback="60 seconds"

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