drush release-notesfor drush 8x

Generate release notes using all commits between two tags

drush release-notes

release-notes is a Drush command from the backdrop project.

A free and Open Source CMS for small to medium sized businesses and non-profits.

Backdrop CMS
  • Aliases

    release-notes has 2 alias/es:

    drush rn

    drush relnotes

  • Arguments

    release-notes accepts 2 argument/s:

    tag 1 : The previous tag, the starting point for the log.

    tag 2 : The current tag, the ending point for the log. This can be also be a branch

  • Options

    release-notes accepts 9 option/s:

    --baseurl : Set the base url for all issue links. Defaults to github issue queue for Backdrop CMS usage. Issue number will be appended to path or replace "%s".

    --changelog : Display the commits in the format for release notes as expected by github.com.

    --md : Display the commits in MD format

    --commit-count : If set, output will show the number of commits between the two tags

    --commit-links : Attach a link to the commit in drupalcode.org repository viewer to the end of the commit lines.


    --git : git

    --nouser : Do not try to link to user page using the /u/alias, as used in drupal.org


    --pretty : pretty

    --reverse : Display the commits from old to new instead of the default Git behavior that is new to old.

  • Examples

    Generate release notes from all commits between the two last tags

    drush release-notes

    Generate release notes from all commits between 6.x-1.1 (as end) and the previous tag (as start)

    drush rn 6.x-1.1

    Generate release notes from all commits between 6.x-1.0 and 6.x-1.1

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.1

    Use a branch for tag2 (6.x-1.x)

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.x

    If you don't have the branch locally, you might need to use "[remote-name]/[branch-name]"

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 origin/6.x-1.x

    You can specify the changelog to direct issues to other issue trackers.

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.x --baseurl="https://community.openatrium.com/node/"

    Generate release notes from the commits between the two tags in the format for CHANGELOG.txt as expected by drupal.org.

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.x --changelog

    Use git in /usr/local/git/bin/git, and using alias

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.1 --git=/usr/local/git/bin/git

    Generate release notes using a custom pretty format string

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.x --pretty="%s (%h)"

    Generate release notes from the commits between the two tags in reverse order

    drush rn 6.x-1.0 6.x-1.x --reverse

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