drush devel-container-servicesfor drush 8x

Get a list of available container services.

drush devel-container-services

devel-container-services is a Drush command from the devel project.

  • Aliases

    devel-container-services has 1 alias/es:

    drush dcs

  • Arguments

    devel-container-services accepts 1 argument/s:

    prefix : A prefix to filter the service list by.

  • Options

    devel-container-services accepts 18 option/s:

    --format : Select output format. Available: json, csv, html, list, string, table, var_export, yaml. Default is json.

    --fields : Fields to output.

    --list-separator : Specify how elements in a list should be separated. In lists of lists, this applies to the elements in the inner lists.

    --line-separator : In nested lists of lists, specify how the outer lists ("lines") should be separated.

    --field-labels : Add field labels before first line of data. Default is on; use --no-field-labels to disable.

    --format=json : Javascript Object Notation.

    --format=config : A configuration file in executable php format. The variable name is "config", and the variable keys are taken from the output data array's keys.

    --format=csv : A list of values, one per row, each of which is a comma-separated list of values.

    --format=html : An HTML representation

    --format=labeled-export : A list of php exports, labeled with a name.

    --format=list : A simple list of values.

    --format=php : A serialized php string.

    --format=print-r : Output via php print_r function.

    --format=string : A simple string.

    --format=table : A formatted, word-wrapped table.

    --format=var_export : An array in executable php format.

    --format=variables : A list of php variable assignments.

    --format=yaml : Yaml output format.

  • Examples

    Gets a list of all available container services

    drush container-services

    Get all services containing "plugin.manager"

    drush container-services plugin.manager

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