drush bam-restorefor drush 8x

Restore the site's database with Backup and Migrate.

drush bam-restore

bam-restore is a Drush command from the backup_migrate project.

  • Arguments

    bam-restore accepts 3 argument/s:

    source : Required. The id of the source (usually a database) to restore the backup to. Use 'drush bam-sources' to get a list of sources. Defaults to 'db'

    destination : Required. The id of destination to send the backup file to. Use 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of destinations. Defaults to 'manual'

    backup id : Required. The id of a backup file restore. Use 'drush bam-backups' to get a list of available backup files.

  • Options

    bam-restore accepts 1 option/s:

    --yes : Skip confirmation

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