drush make-generatefor drush 6x

Generate a makefile from the current Drupal site.

drush make-generate

  • Aliases

    make-generate has 1 alias/es:

    drush generate-makefile

  • Options

    make-generate accepts 4 option/s:

    --exclude-versions : Exclude all version numbers (default is include all version numbers) or optionally specify a list of projects to exclude from versioning

    --include-versions : Include a specific list of projects, while all other projects remain unversioned in the makefile (so implies --exclude-versions)

    --source : The base URL which provides project release history in XML. Defaults to https://updates.drupal.org/release-history.

    --dev : Work with development releases solely.

  • Examples

    Generate a makefile with ALL projects versioned (should a project have a known version number)

    drush generate-makefile example.make

    Generate a makefile with NO projects versioned

    drush generate-makefile example.make --exclude-versions

    Generate a makefile with ALL projects versioned EXCEPT core, Views and CCK

    drush generate-makefile example.make --exclude-versions=drupal,views,cck

    Generate a makefile with NO projects versioned EXCEPT Admin Menu, OG and CTools.

    drush generate-makefile example.make --include-versions=admin_menu,og,ctools (--exclude-versions)

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